Aphex changelog
Updated Low Data Mode design on the Map
After saving folder changes, users had to click 'tidy up' to see the changes reflect on the Gantt. This will now update for the user when they click 'Save Changes'
Bug Fixes
Search Highlight was cut off
Couldn’t open the link modal from a ‘done’ task
When double clicking on the parent task bar it wouldn’t open up the parent task in right hand panel
Resource overlay tile was getting cut off
Changes to the way that overdue blockers were fetched in Make Ready menu
Package code was generating with a dollar sign
Comment text wrapping in Field was wrapping in the middle of words
Activity log wasn’t putting a strike through the message when an assignee was removed
When promising tasks on while publishing, it was adding the promised icon to parent tasks
Changed the task preview sort order on the Map when multiple tasks in the same area to be in chronological order
Tasks CSV delay numbers were not correct when downloading data from published versions
Standard Users could unprotect folders
‘Include delay data’ toggle was turned off by default - this is now toggled on by default
The tasks on the delay concentration graph in Insight was not populating when you clicked 'view tasks'